Ensuring Your Child’s Safety Is Our Priority
Efficient Bus Transportation Services for Students in Bowie County
Trust Us to Provide Students With a Safe Travel Experience
The Bowie County Schools Transportation Department was formed in 1990 to continue a shared services arrangement provided by the former County Superintendent’s office. The department is an independent governmental unit and provides transportation and other services to the thirteen school districts of Bowie County through the Interlocal Cooperation Act. The department facility is centrally located in New Boston, the county seat of Bowie County, surrounded by 923 sq. miles. The Bowie County Schools Management Board, represented by each district superintendent, meets monthly as the governing and policy-making body of the department.
The success of the department is due to the cooperative attitude in making decisions that have proven to be a very cost-effective arrangement for the districts. These savings are reflected in the annual transportation Cost of Operation Report files with the Texas Education Agency. Other cost-saving factors are a centrally located facility to provide these services, a standardized fleet of vehicles, volume purchasing of supplies, and a fewer but adequate number of employees required to support the needs of the districts.
The Transportation Director is Responsible for the Day-to-day
operation of the department, which includes the business office. The business office functions with the business manager, payroll clerk, and accounts payable clerk to provide the finance and payroll services for the transportation department and three of the K-8 districts and also maintains personnel records for these entities. The department also provides purchasing services that prove to offer savings to the districts due to the cooperative volume.
The Primary function of the
Department is to Provide Safe
and Economical
student transportation services to the thirteen districts of Bowie County. Bowie County Schools transports 8,586 students and travels approximately 6,486 miles each day. The department is funded directly from the state for student transportation mileage. The districts subsidize an amount of costs to maintain an adequate fund balance for operations.
The department continues to explore and provide additional services for future savings to the districts of Bowie County to support the education of our students.
We are a Class B CDL training and testing facility. Contact us and let us know if you're interested!
The Primary function of the Department is to Provide Safe and Economical
student transportation services to the thirteen districts of Bowie County. Bowie County Schools transports 8,586 students and travels approximately 6,486 miles each day. The department is funded directly from the state for student transportation mileage. The districts subsidize an amount of costs to maintain an adequate fund balance for operations.
The department continues to explore and provide additional services for future savings to the districts of Bowie County to support the education of our students.
We are a Class B CDL testing facility. Contact us and let us know if you're interested!
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Download Application then fill out info and email to jtyndell@bowiecountyschools.com with "Application" in Subject Line.